**Hello Dear Family and Friends, It is me again! I just wanted to let you know that I am still trying to "catch up" with this blog, to get us to the current time frame. We spent quite a bit of time in August on the road, and I am trying to share a bit of those travels with you. Then we spent several weeks on Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio (helping Jason and Kerry and family move). We are actually now in Texas (in Lewisville) and on Friday we will head out to South Carolina (the Abbeville area).**
On our way home to Texas, after spending some time in Michigan, we stopped back in Indiana! Bob's brother David and wife Jeannette had a lovely area set up for the trailer and we spent a few days with them. They live in Fountain, Indiana, which is close to Attica and to Otterbein (where Bob's Mom lives). Their home is out in country, in the woods, and is along the Wabash River (where Dave enjoys fishing). It is so quiet there, so peaceful . . . . . and the mornings were lovely and cool!
Relaxing at Dave and Jeannette's lovely home; Bob, Mace, Myself and Jane (Ed's wife) |
Dave and Jeannette were officers in the Salvation Army, and spent their career going where the S.A. needed them to go. They had decided quite a few years back to begin looking for their "retirement home," which they wanted to be in close proximity to a body of water to fish and boat in. They came upon this place along the Wabash, and bought it several years prior to retirement. They have worked on it through the years, making it into a lovely and welcoming home. Retirement came a few years ago, and they moved permanently into their home on the river. Dave and Jeannette also love to do family genealogy . . . .Through the past few years, they have learned that their land and home that they have purchased is
directly across the Wabash from the land that Dave and Bob's (and all the brothers and sisters') Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Josiah Biggs land----the land that he purchased when he and his family first came to Indiana from Clinton County, Ohio!!! They have only recently traced back, and walked, the original land boundries . . . . none of this was known prior to their purchase! The Biggs family has come full-circle!
Dave cooking Hobo dinners for us all--They were really delicious! YUM! |
Good Job Guys!!!!
Mace enjoyed helping Uncle Dave and Grandpa chopping and splitting wood! He decided that it was a bit more difficult to split the whole round logs than the chunks that we generally take camping! But he hung in there and worked alongside the men.
Bob's beautiful Mom. . . . . Can you believe that she is 91??? She is an absolute delight, and God's love, light and joy vividly shine through her! I count myself blessed to be her daughter-in-law.

Josiah Biggs, Sr, Bob's Great x3 Grandfather passed away and was buried in 1840 in West Lebanon Cemetery in Indiana. A little over 20 years ago, Dave and Jeannette found his gravestone, next to his son's. At that time it was still standing, very wind and weather worn, but was still mostly legible. Last year in August, Jeannette and I went to find the gravestone again for some updated photos. It was very difficult to find, his son's monument was hidden in an overgrown bush, and Josiah Sr.'s was laying up against the monument, broken in a couple places. Dave and Jeannette contacted the caretaker of the cemetery, and they came up with a plan. This year, we laid Josiah Sr.'s stone remains and a new engraved plaque in cement at his original site. Bob, his brother Ed, brother Dave, sister Sharon, Mom and Mace (this was Mace's Great x5 Grandfather) were all there, as well as Jeannette, Jane and myself. After the stone and plaque were laid, we gathered in a prayer circle in thanks for the ancestors who have gone before us, and for the descendants who will come after, and we sang a hymn. I think that Josiah would have approved.
From the left: Mace, Bob, Ed, Dave, Jeannette, Sharon and Mom. Rest In Peace Grandfather Josiah. |
Portland Arch is a beautiful treasure hidden away in Fountain County, Indiana. Fortunately for us, it is very close to where Bob's brother lives. So, off we went for a wonderful trek through the flora and fauna! It is like stepping back in time----way back! One almost expects to see a prehistoric animal or bird around each curve on the trail!
Bob at the lead---the walking sticks came in handy!!!! |
Mace and cousin Layne doing their "Atlas" poses :-)
The boys walked down to Bear Creek |
On the upward trek . . . . |
Beautiful sandstone layers, and the plants and trees growing out of the layers. There are many plants found here that have not been found in any other place in Indiana. |
Jurassic Park??????
Dave and daughter Catherine
So lovely, I couldn't resist a photo! |
Bob, Dave and Mace spent a great day together trimming up the newly laid marker for Grandpa Josiah, checking out the different spots that Dave and Jeannette had found where ancestors had land, and, to end the afternoon, some fishing out on Uncle Dave's boat. Mace had the first catch---his very first catch ever---a channel catfish about 8 inches long---tossed back in. Uncle Dave caught next, and then Mace cast out again. Uncle Dave petitioned the Lord for a fish for Mace, and in no less than a second, Mace had a HUGE carp on his line!!!! It took Mace fighting it, Uncle Dave trying to pull it in, Gramps trying to pull it into the boat . . . . . then, the line snapped! Noooooo . . . . . and it got away! They said it was at least a 15 minute struggle with the fish! Uncle Dave and Grandpa were both there to see . . . . . . and they say it was a good 2 1/2- 3 foot long! Too bad Grandpa couldn't get his phone out fast enough. . . . Now Mace has a good "Fish Story" to tell! How fun!
Jeannette and I were able to sneek away for a day of genealogy in Veedersburg, and found some obituaries from the old Warren Republican newspaper. We had such a wonderful time, she drove me past some of the areas where Bob and Dave's ancestors had lived, there in the area. It still amazes us how the Lord brought the family back to it's Hoosier beginnings. . . . . . He is Good and Amazing beyond belief!
And so we said Good-bye to family and to Indiana, but only until next time!!! :-)